Process Serving

Process Serving

Need fast and efficient process serving anywhere in Australia?

We can process serve any claim/ summons, notice or legal document Australia-wide. We are specialists in serving the most difficult defendants or subjects. We provide the appropriate proof of service or affidavit and have very competitive pricing. 

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How We Can Help

Our goal at DebtPayable is to focus on recovering what is rightfully yours!

We will use our strategic methods to ensure we recover your debts promptly and way. We will ensure that we inform you every step along the way of tracking the outcome and progress. We focus on repossessing from cars, houses, computer equipment and personal possessions, and many more, and please chat to our friendly team to see how we can help. If you need us to repossess a vehicle, we can provide a full Vehicle Condition Report and confirm that the security is registered. The insurance cover is appropriate and current. We are providing our clients with notification within three hours of the guarantee being repossessed. The detailed report we provide will include all relevant information, including a recommendation for any future action. 

Our Promise To You

DebtPayable is a business focused on being highly flexible and adaptable to support you in achieving the very best results!

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